Of(i) BROADCAST SERVICES  had come to life from the idea of establishing a company to transfer the experiences of master broadcasters to new generations . These broadcasters had all spent an important part of their lives within Public Broadcasting for over 30 years each becoming experts of different branches in  Turkish Radio & Television Corporation  ( TRT).

Through this company’s work,  the knowledge and experiences will be updated and transferred to younger generations to add value in to clients and country’s assets.

Knowledge and Experience are two big treasures. Using the knowledge and accumulation for the favour of the country will be the reflection of an important value.  Fort his reason, our motto is   defined as ‘’ Reflection of Values’’.

Our brand name Of(İ) is also reflecting this function. It is derived from a mathematical statement as follows ;  İ (input): , f (function):  O (Output):  So, the values we have will be effective and operational according to the power of the functions we provide.  Every letter in this statement symbolizes an important value just like real life.

Our vision is to provide the best and create added value for our clients and our country. Of(i) BROADCAST SERVICES will be proud of reflecting your values as well.

Truly Yours


Founder, General Manager



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