Entrepreneurship is a duration whose origins are dendent on greams resulting with values. There is both abstractness and concretness (tangibility and intangibility) in entrepreneurship. Organisation and management of production input is an important issue in entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship starts with the foundation of management and it is permanent. It is not possible to consider an enterprise without any risks. If an anterprise is not sustainable, it is bound to come to an end. Entrepreneurship is a unity carrying the risk of ambiguity (uncertainity), regulating and coordinating economic source, assigning sources among various usages and finally employing the production facts.

Foreseeing opportunities,being ready to tale risks, being eager for innovation and changes are all entrepreneurial spirit, realistic acting abilities and motivation are the footsteps from entrepreneurial manners to entrepreneurial behaviour.

Foundation of a brand new management must be considered as an entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship. There is a close connection between economic and social development levels and entrepreneursial success of countries. Economiz and social development levels of coutries increase in line with the degree an economic activity is caused by that entrepreneurship. It is quite pleasing that new entrepreneurial initiatives grow rapidly among women and young population.

Carrying the idea of being an entrepreneuar depends on the culture of the society the individuals is from, on the family structure and on the success of his educational backgraund.

A social culture giving importance to entrepreneurship makes the cause of possible entrepreneurship. More than the societies giving less importance. In Western Cultures, entrepreneurship is considered as more risk taking, taking lessons from the previous experiences, independent, innovative, focused on indivudial success where as in Eastern Cultures social status, image, honour, dignity and reputation are the domain concepts and unsuccess can be considered as a loss of respect and embarrassment issue.

Business models create the bases for a successful entrepreneurship. It is possible to name and consider a “business model” that use the production factors in a way to produce a value to the targeted clients, the service demanded by the client to an affordable price client in the place and time demanded by the client. In fact, a business model is a system designed to make a profit.

Of(i) BROADCAST SERVICES as stated in its founding objective and philosophy, must be occured as an example of Economic  Entrepreneurship because of its thought to contribute to the coutry’s values and as a Social Entrepreneurship due to its support to Education/Training and Research-Development studies.

Success and countinity of this entrepreneurship depends not only on our responsibility and willigness to work but also on the importance and value given by our clients.


Best Regards


Founder, General Manager



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